Jun 27Liked by Dominick Miciotta

Sometimes when I feel overwhelmed by this kind of situation I try to remind myself of two things: (1) focus on what I can do to help improve the situation and (2) recognize that even small changes in behavior can make a large impact over time. Patience and perspective are everything.

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Jun 25Liked by Dominick Miciotta

This speaks to what I've been deeply contemplating over the last few days. Its strange and comforting to see you are too my friend. I was just asking myself, as I came from my daily walk- almost dizzy with the weight of the reality of the the human condition-who can I share this painful dilemma with- who wants to confront such reality? And then I find you here, willing to go there. Let's go there together. I want to be in that kind of world. Where else but at the margins will you find those willing to confront themselves with truth? With love.

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Thank you so much, my friend. It is so incredibly helpful and motivating to get feedback and I am incredibly touched that this spoke to you. Let’s go there together! I can imagine that we would have a great conversation about all of these things. Hopefully we will get to do that in person before long.

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